The Fund


Real Estate Projects

Development Financing
Made Easy

Access to Off-market Properties
and Project Management

Development Financing Made Easy

Access to Off-market Properties
and Project Management


Finance up to 70% of the total cost

What kind of investor are you?


Professional developers who need financing or equity for real estate projects.  More information  


Investors access financing thought Joint Development (JD) More information  

Property Owners

You consider selling your luxury property maximizing your sales price through an high end renovation. More information  

Real Estate Agents or Collaborators

Bring clients who are Investors or a property owner. But also provide an Off-market property to sell to an investor of The Fund. More information  

Jimmy Heino

CEO of The Fund

Dear Investor, our team comprises Certified European Financial Advisors from EFPA, Certified Insurance Advisors at level 2 RD 287/2021, and Certified Mortgage Advisors under LCCI law 5/2019.

Why property development in Spain 2024?

Develop and providing new production in Spain in 2024 is expected to yield a higher return on investment (ROI). The country’s strong economy, growing demand from international investors, and the increasing popularity of rental and luxury properties are some reasons. The positive outlook for the Spanish property market, driven by a forecasted continued economic growth and a robust tourism industry is contributing to a potentially higher ROI.


 550,000 homes are expected to be sold in Spain during 2024


32% of the properties in Malaga province / Costa del Sol are sold within 30 days  


In 2023, a total of 13,163 new development projected started

Group 1261152778

Get it right from start

The Fund offers you as an investor a Success-driven Development Program. We introduce you to high performing suppliers and access to Off-market properties,  project managers,  financing, construction firms..  All with expertise from our legal team. The Fund support you for a quick and efficient start on your investment journey. Get things right from start. No  advance payments are required.  Tell us about your project!

A Success-driven Development Program

The Fund arrange flexible financing for renovations and construction of properties. Banks normally consider property development a risk and need longer mortgage time. For lending periods between 6-20 months, alternative financing is faster and a more simple option.

Frequently asked questions

From 500,000€ to €50M.

Time: 6-30 months. Repayment: Hard cost, soft costs, interest and capital financeable and repaid once the property is sold. 

The costs will depend on each project (amount, location, margin..)  Cost: Opening fee: 2-5%. Yearly interest: 10-14%

The first mortgage guarantee on the property is standard. Sometimes, a guarantee on your local company may be requested. No personal guarantees, such as salary and dividends, are required

Requirement: a local company (S.L. ) and a Business Plan. The project: If the investment project is viable and makes strategic sense, funding entities are typically willing to provide financing.

Once the documentation is completed and handed over to the lenders: the capital funds can arrange financing in 3-4 weeks time, the banks up to 3 months or more.


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